Interesting passage in Surat'ul-Haykal

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Posted by Loren ( on May 22, 2003 at 00:58:18:

In verse 24 of the Haykal: "These are they who, in truth, were not enjoined to prostrate themselves before Adam." In the Qur'an it is only Iblis who did not prostrate before Adam (Cf. Qur'an 2:30-34; 38:71-75). For the superstitious this verse perhaps seems almost frightening. I was wondering if any of you had any insights as to the significance of this verse. To me it seems to suggest that the "New Race of Men" have a unique station which is above prostrating before those of the Adamic Cycle, however using the Islamic terminology as it does, referencing the prostration before Adam story, which has the defiance of Iblis attached to it, is curious.



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