- Bahá'í Martyrdoms in Persia in the Year 1903 AD, by Haji Mirza Haydar-Ali. Youness Khan Afroukhteh, trans. (1917) A memoir by Abdu'l-Bahá, erroneously credited to Haji Mirza Haydar-Ali, published in English as a 28-page book in 1904 and 1917, covering events from March-September 1903.
- Bahá'í World, The: Volume 18 (1979-1983), Universal House of Justice, comp. (1986) Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Bahá'u'lláh and the Fourth Estate, by Roger White. (1986) Bahá'u'lláh's response to the martyrdom of seven Bahá'ís in Yazd in May, 1891, and his relationship with the media.
- Martyrs of Manshad, by Siyyid Muhammad Tabib Manshadi. Ahang Rabbani, trans, Naghmeh Astani, trans. (1996/2005) Detailed eyewitness account of martyrdoms in Iran in 1903.
- Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice. Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. (1996)
- Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature, Adib Masumian, trans. (2009-2023) Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masumian; listed here for the sake of search engines and tagging.
- Treatise on Persecution of Bahá'ís in 1903, by Abdu'l-Bahá. Ahang Rabbani, trans. (2007-12) Events in Isfahán and Yazd from March-September 1903.