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Tag "Yazd, Iran"

tag name: Yazd, Iran type: Geographic locations
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referring tags: Abarqu, Yazd, Iran; Hurmuzak, Yazd; Muhammad-Ábád, Iran; Seven martyrs of Yazd

"Yazd, Iran" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (19 results; expand)

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  1. Across Coveted Lands, by Henry Savage-Landor. (1903) Brief mention of the Bahá'ís of Yazd.
  2. Bahá'í Martyrdoms in Persia in the Year 1903 AD, by Haji Mirza Haydar-Ali. Youness Khan Afroukhteh, trans. (1917) A memoir by Abdu'l-Bahá, erroneously credited to Haji Mirza Haydar-Ali, published in English as a 28-page book in 1904 and 1917, covering events from March-September 1903.
  3. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 18 (1979-1983), Universal House of Justice, comp. (1986) Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  4. Bahá'u'lláh and the Fourth Estate, by Roger White. (1986) Bahá'u'lláh's response to the martyrdom of seven Bahá'ís in Yazd in May, 1891, and his relationship with the media.
  5. Behind the Veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia: An Account of an Englishwoman's Eight Years' Residence Amongst the Women of the East, by M. E. Hume-Griffith. (1909) Three-page history of the Bab and his execution, with reference to the persecutions in Yazd.
  6. Early Zoroastrian Conversions to the Baha'i Faith in Yazd, Iran, by Susan Maneck (published as Susan Stiles). (1984) A history of the gradual process of conversion among some Zoroastrians to the Bahá'í Faith in Iran from the 1880s to 1921, based on heretofore unstudied biographical materials.
  7. Events and Tragedies of Manshád, The, by Muhammad-Tahir Malmiri. Ahang Rabbani, trans. (2007) Events and martyrs from the uprisings in Manshad and Yazd, in 1903. A translation of Haji Málmírí's Tarikh Shuhaday Yazd, pp. 432-503.
  8. From Iran East and West, Juan Cole, ed, Moojan Momen, ed. (1984) Essays on Bahá'í history in the Middle East, the United States, and India.
  9. Iran: Province of Yazd, by Moojan Momen. (1994)
  10. Martyrs of Manshad, by Siyyid Muhammad Tabib Manshadi. Ahang Rabbani, trans, Naghmeh Astani, trans. (1996/2005) Detailed eyewitness account of martyrdoms in Iran in 1903.
  11. Massacres de Babis en Perse, by A.L.M. Nicolas. (1936) On events in 1903 in Rasht, Isfahan, Yazd, and Tehran, written by a French consul in Iran.
  12. Memories of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, by Ali M. Yazdi. (1986) Recollections by a prominent Iranian-American Bahá'í.
  13. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice. Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. (1996)
  14. Persecutions of Babis in 1888-1891 at Isfahan and Yazd, by Various. E. G. Browne, trans. (1918) Eyewitness or historical accounts of specific events, uprisings, and attacks, as collected by E.G. Browne.
  15. Persian Stronghold of Zoroastrianism, A, by Mary Boyce. (1977) Brief mention of Bahá'í converts to Zoroastrianism in Yazd.
  16. Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature, Adib Masumian, trans. (2009-2023) Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masumian; listed here for the sake of search engines and tagging.
  17. Treatise on Persecution of Bahá'ís in 1903, by Abdu'l-Bahá. Ahang Rabbani, trans. (2007-12) Events in Isfahán and Yazd from March-September 1903.
  18. Ziba Khanum of Yazd: An Enslaved African Woman in Nineteenth-Century Iran, by Anthony Lee. (2017) Issues of race, gender, slavery, and religion as experienced by an Afro-Iranian family in the 19th and 20th centuries; historiography of African women in Iran; the Herati-Khorasani family tree.
  19. Zoroastrian Conversions to the Bahá'í Faith in Yazd, Iran, by Susan Maneck (published as Susan Judith Stiles). (1983) The Bahá'í Faith appealed to Zoroastrian messianic motifs, Iranian paradigms of legitimacy, and reforming elements within the Zoroastrian community. This study examines conversions in Yazd from the early 1880s to the beginning of the 20th century.

2.   from the Chronology (36 results; expand)

  1. 1817-00-00 — Birth of Hand of the Cause Mulla Abu'l-Hasan-i-Ardikani (Haji Amin), in Ardikan, near Yazd. ...
  2. 1845-08-00 — The Bab was released to the custody of His uncle, Haji Mirza Siyyid 'Ali. [DB151, LTDT13] Bab was...
  3. 1850-00-00 — Vahid clashed with the authorities in Yazd. He escaped and made a missionary journey through Fars. [...
  4. 1850-04-00 — The house of Vahid in Yazd was attacked by crowds and pillaged. The crowd was dispersed by Mulla Muh...
  5. 1850-05-27 — First Nayriz upheaval. Vahid traveled from Yazd towards Shiraz, eventually coming to Nayriz. He went...
  6. 1851-04-30 — Mulla Hasan-i-Fadil was executed in Yazd when he refused to recant. [BW18:382]...
  7. 1851-05-01 — Áqa Husayn was blown from a canon in Yazd. [BW18:382]...
  8. 1851-07-23 — Áqa Muhammad-Sadiq-i-Yúzdarani was beaten to death in Yazd after refusing to recant. [BW18:382]...
  9. 1865-00-00 — Baha'u'llah revealed the Arabic Tablet of Ahmad (Lawh-i-Ahmad) for Ahmad, a believer from Yazd. [RB2...
  10. 1868-08-01 — Mulla Muhammad-Rida, Rida'r-Rúh was poisoned in Yazd. [BW18:383]...
  11. 1878-00-00 — The law of the Huqúqu'llah was put into practice because the work of teaching the Cause began to ex...
  12. 1880-00-00 — The first Zoroastrians became Baha'is, in Persia. [SBBH2:67; RoB3p268] For information on these c...
  13. 1882-00-00 — Mirza `Ali-Muhammad Varqa was arrested in Yazd. He is sent to Isfahan where he was imprisoned for a ...
  14. 1883-00-00 — Six Baha'is were arrested in Yazd and sent to Isfahan in chains. BW18:383] Four Baha'is were arre...
  15. 1891-00-00 — Baha'u'llah revealed Epistle to the Son of the Wolf addressed to Shaykh Muhammad-Taqiy-i-Najafi (Sha...
  16. 1891-05-19 — The execution of the Seven Martyrs of Yazd. [BBRXXIX, BW18:384] Seven Baha'is were executed on th...
  17. 1891-05-20 — Baha'u'llah revealed the Lawh-i-Times, Tablet to the Times in which He recounted the circumstances o...
  18. 1891-10-03 — Mulla Muhammad-`Aliy-i-Dihabadi was martyred, one of the Seven Martyrs of Yazd who were killed at th...
  19. 1893-06-17 — Áqa Muhammad-Riday-i-Muhammadabadi was killed by three men on the orders of two of the `ulama of Ya...
  20. 1896-05-02 — The martyrdom of Hand of the Cause of God Varqa ('Dove'), Mirza 'Ali-Muhammad. (b.1856 in Yazd, d. i...
  21. 1897-00-00 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Shaykh Muhammad-Riday-i-Yazdi (Mulla Rida) while incarcerate...
  22. 1898-06-01 — Áqa Ghulam-Husayn-i-Banadaki was killed by a mob in Yazd after refusing to deny his faith. [BW18:38...
  23. 1903-06-14 — The Yazd Upheaval and in surrounding villages. [BBRXXX] See ...
  24. 1903-09-00 — At the request of 'Abdu'l-Baha, Haji Mirza Hadar-'Ali wrote Baha'i Martyrdoms in Persia in the Year ...
  25. 1904-00-00 — The publication of Baha'i Martyrdoms in Persia in the Year 1903 AD by Haji Mirza Haydar-Ali Isfahani...
  26. 1911-08-28 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha's visitor was Sultan-Husayn Mirza, the eldest son of Zillu's-Sultan. Bet...
  27. 1917-05-02 — The martyrdom of Mirza Muhammad-i-Bulúr-Furúsh in Yazd. [BBRXXX, BBR443]...
  28. 1934-00-04 — The government of Iran took several measures against the Baha'is throughout the country. [...
  29. 1937-05-01 — Several prominent Baha'is were arrested in Yazd. [BW18:389] They were imprisoned in Tihran for fo...
  30. 1948-00-00 — The Baha'i Centre in Yazd, Iran, was attacked by a mob incited by Shaykh Khalisizadih. He was a man ...
  31. 1950-00-00 — Ghulam Reza Akhzari and his son Nur Allah were killed near Yazd and Bahram Rawhani was murdered in T...
  32. 1950-01-03 — A woman named Sughra and her five children were brutally murdered. Members of the Spiritual Assembl...
  33. 1995-09-00 — The arrest and imprisonment of Mr. Zabihullah Mahrami in Yazd because of his adherence to the Baha'i...
  34. 2005-12-15 — The death of Mr. Dhabihu'llah Mahrami, 59, who had been held in a government prison in Yazd under ha...
  35. 2016-09-26 — The murder of Farhang Amiri in Yazd. [BWNS1133; Arch...
  36. 2017-07-15 — The men who admitted to stabbing and killing Farhang Amiri, a 63-year-old father of four children, i...
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