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Tag "Turkmenistan"

tag name: Turkmenistan type: Geographic locations
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"Turkmenistan" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (27 results; expand)

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  1. Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá'u'lláh, by Bahá'u'lláh. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2018/2024) 85 selections, last updated August 2024.
  2. Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks, by Abdu'l-Bahá. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2018/2024) 209 selections, last updated August 2024.
  3. Ashgabat Collection, by Olga Mehti. (2019) On the life and works of Alexander Tumansky and his involvement with Bahá'í history.
  4. Ashkhabad (Ashgabat), Bahá'í Community of, by Vahid Rafati. (1989) Brief excerpt, with link to full article offsite.
  5. Babi and Bahá'í Religions 1844-1944: Some Contemporary Western Accounts, Moojan Momen, ed. (1981) A lengthy collection of first-hand reports and mentions of the Bábí and Bahá'í religions in contemporaneous accounts and newspapers.
  6. Bahá'í Community of Ashkhabad, The: Its Social Basis and Importance in Bahá'í History, by Moojan Momen. (1991) Origin and history of the Bahá'ís in Ishqabad (Ashgabat) in Turkistan, analysis of the social composition of this community, and its importance of in terms of the rest of the Bahá'í world.
  7. Bahá'í News Publications Seek to Elevate Thought, Inspire Action, by Bahá'í World News Service. (2018-10-12) Brief overview of the histories of various Bahá'í journals: Star of the West, Khurshid-i khavar, Sonne der Wahrheit, Wirklichkeit, The Dawn, Herald of the South, The Bahá'í World, World Order, and Bahá’í World News Service.
  8. Bahá'u'lláh's Bishárát (Glad-Tidings): A Proclamation to Scholars and Statesmen, by Christopher Buck, Youli A. Ioannesyan. (2010-04) Historical and textual study of the one of the major writings of Bahá'u'lláh, and new theories as to its provenance and purpose; it may have been revealed for E. G. Browne. Includes Persian translation (following the English section).
  9. Baháʼí Houses of Worship: A Visual Overview, Anonymous, comp. (2020) A collection of collages, exterior and interior images of Baháʼí Houses of Worship constructed, under construction, or planned worldwide.
  10. City of Love, The: Ishqábád and the Institution of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, by Bruce Whitmore. (1975-07) History of the building of the temple in Turkmenistan, north of the Iranian province of Khurasan.
  11. Empire for the Faithful, A Colony for the Dispossessed, An, by Robert D. Crews. (2009) History of the establishment of Tsarist power in Turkestan and the goal of earning support from their Muslim territories. Includes discussion of the Bahá'í Faith in Ashkabad and Russian/Bahá'í mutual political interests in Persia and Turkey. (Offsite.)
  12. Encouragement of the Arts During the Ministry of 'Abdu'l-Bahá: The Services of Master Calligrapher Mishkín-Qalam, by Nooshfar B. Afnan. (2023-10) ‘Abdu’l-Bahá promoted the arts, including through support of Mishkín-Qalam and artistic conceptions for the interment of the remains of the Báb, the construction of the first Bahá’í House of Worship, and transcription of Bahá’í literature.
  13. Illustrated description of a design in the Persian-Indian style of architecture for the first Mashrak-el-Azkar (Bahá'í temple) to be erected in America, by Charles Mason Remey. (1920) Expanded version of a portion of Remey's earlier Mashrak-el-Azkar [Mashriqu'l-Adhkár]: Descriptive of the Bahai temple, with photographs of Temple models.
  14. Ishqabad, City of Love: A Study into the Story of Those Who Became the Foremost in the Bahá'í Faith, by Fuad Izadinia. (2014) Biographies of many dozen Bahá'ís of historical interest; construction of the House of Worship in Turkmenistan; Bahá'í schools for boys and for girls; stories of exiled Bahá'ís.
  15. Les Bahaïs du Caucase: b.a.-ba d'une communauté méconnue, by Azer Jafarov, Bayram Balci. (2007) Chapter on "the Bahá'ís of the Caucasus, the basics [lit. the ABCs] of an unknown community."
  16. Martyrdom of Hájí Muhammad-Ridá: 19 Historical Accounts, by Ahang Rabbani. (2007) Accounts of the 1889 martyrdom of Haji Muhammad Rida Isfahani in Ashgabat (Ashkhabad) in Russian Turkestan.
  17. Martyrdom of Haji Muhammad-Rida, The, by Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl Gulpáygání. Ahang Rabbani, trans. (1890) Gulpaygani's firsthand account of the events leading up to and following the murder of Muhammad-Rida and the trial of his killers.
  18. Mashrak-el-Azkar: Descriptive of the Bahá'í temple, by Charles Mason Remey. (1917) Preliminary designs for the first Mashriqu'l-Adhkár to be built in America, showing nine varying treatments in different styles of architecture; includes discussions of the Ashkhabad temple and Bahá'í history, and a 1908 letter to Star of West.
  19. References to the Bahá'í Faith in the U.S. State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, by United States Department of State. Ralph D. Wagner, comp. (1991-2001) Excerpts from the State Department's annual compilation of Country Reports on Human Rights Practices on discrimination against the Bahá'í Faith and persecution of its adherents in twenty countries.
  20. Rise of the Bahá'í Community of 'Ishqábád, The, by Anthony Lee. (1979-01) Materials about the early history of Ishqabad, site of the first Bahá'í Temple, based in part on interviews with former residents.
  21. Secret of Divine Civilization Translation, Capital Punishment, and Other Questions, by Universal House of Justice. (1991-06-20) On the capitalization of pronouns, reference to "we Muslims," works of Abdu'l-Bahá revealed during the time of Bahá'u'lláh, the first person to recognize Bahá'u'lláh, and designer of the temple in Ishqabad. Includes a compilation on capital punishment.
  22. Seizure of the Ishqabad Temple: Horace Holley Interview with State Department Officials, by Author unknown. (1939-06-06) Brief report of an interview with the secretary of the US National Spiritual Assembly on whether and why the Soviet government had appropriated the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar in Ashkhabad.
  23. Singular Room, A: An Exploration of Bahá'í Houses of Worship, by Sama Shodjai. (2023-12) Overview of the design principles followed in building the Bahá'í temples, and the intricacies and considerations involved in their design, using Canada as a case study. (Link to document, offsite).
  24. Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature, Adib Masumian, trans. (2009-2023) Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masumian; listed here for the sake of search engines and tagging.
  25. Transnational Bahá'í Print Culture: Community Formation and Religious Authority, 1890-1921, by Farzin Vejdani. (2012-12) Explores how Baha’is used print culture (1890–1921) for community-building, scriptural canonization, and apologetics, emphasizing leadership, transnational networks, and cultural intermediaries. (Link to article, offsite.)
  26. Turkmenistan, by Moojan Momen. (1995) History of the Bahá'í Faith in Turkmenistan.
  27. История Ашхабадского храма бахаи (History of the Ashgabat Bahá'í Temple), by Olga Mehdi. (2012-09-09) Небольшое историческое эссе о строительстве ашхабадского храма бахаи — личные мемуары и исследования автора, с историческими фотографиями Ашхабада XIX-начала XX века.

2.   from the Chronology (22 results; expand)

  1. 1830-01-00 — Birth of Haji Mirza Muhammad Taqi Afnan (Vakilu'd-Dawlih), maternal uncle of the Bab, who supervised...
  2. 1860-00-00 — Birth of Shaykh Muhammad-'Aliy-i-Qa'ini, Apostle of Baha'u'llah, in Naw Firist, near Birjand. [EB273...
  3. 1880-00-00 — The first pioneer to Ishqabad was Jinab-I Mirza 'Abdul'l-Karim-i Ardavili who settled there in 1880....
  4. 1889-09-08 — Haji Muhammad Riday-i-Isfahani was martyred in `Ishqabad. He had been on of the most prominent Baha'...
  5. 1890-00-00 — By 1890 about a thousand Baha'is had settled in `Ishqabad. [BBRSM91, SDOH99] ...
  6. 1896-04-21 — ʻIshqabad was one of the first places (possibly the first) in which 'Abdu'l-Baha gave instructions ...
  7. 1902-00-06 — Shanghai was re-opened to the Baha'i Faith by the arrival of two Baha'is from`Ishqabad, Áqa Mirza M...
  8. 1902-11-28 — Construction began on the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar of `Ishqabad with the laying of its cornerstone. [BFA2:1...
  9. 1903-03-07 — Inspired by the news of the `Ishqabad Temple project, the Chicago House of Spirituality asked `Abdu'...
  10. 1908-00-00 — The outer structure of the House of Worship in `Ishqabad was completed and the dome was in place. [A...
  11. 1914-00-00 — Mr Husayn Uskuli and two Baha'is friends arrived in Shanghai from 'Ishqabad. His family joined him ...
  12. 1917-00-00 — The news magazine, Khurshid-i khavar (Sun of the East) commenced publication. [BWNS1289]...
  13. 1925-04-21 — National Spiritual Assemblies were formed in the Caucasus (Baku) and in Turkistan (Ashkhabad)about t...
  14. 1928-04-00 — As part of a general anti-religious campaign launched under Stalin, the Soviet authorities abrogated...
  15. 1938-02-05 — Baha'is in the Soviet Union were persecuted by the authorities. [BBR473, BW8p87-90, 179-81, BW14p479...
  16. 1948-00-00 — The Baha'i Temple in 'Ishqabad (now Ashgabat, Turkmenistan) was damaged by an earthquake. The streng...
  17. 1956-02-25 — Husayn Uskuli, (b. 1875) long-time pioneer to Shanghai from 'Ishqabad, passed away in Shanghai at th...
  18. 1963-08-25 — The Universal House of Justice announceed the demolition of the House of Worship in 'Ishqabad (now A...
  19. 1989-04-21 — The Local Spiritual Assembly of 'Ishqabad (now Ashgabat, Turkmenistan) was re-formed after a lapse o...
  20. 1992-04-21 — The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Central Asia (comprising of the Republics of Kazakhstan, Kirgizia...
  21. 1994-04-21 — With the formation of National Spiritual Assemblies in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbek...
  22. 2003-11-26 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Ali Akbar Furútan in Haifa at the age of 98. [BWNS261, BW'...
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