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Tag "Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Wilmette"

tag name: Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Wilmette type: Mashriqu'l-Adhkár
web link: Mashriqul-Adhkar,_Wilmette
referring tags: Bahá'í Temple Unity

"Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Wilmette" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (19 results; expand)

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  1. Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks, by Abdu'l-Bahá. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2018/2024) 209 selections, last updated August 2024.
  2. Bagdádi Family, by Kamran Ekbal. (2014) Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  3. Bahá'í House of Worship, The: The Meaning of the Temple, by W. Kenneth Christian. (1953/1975) Text and scan of a flyer about the Chicago House of Worship, summarizing the history and facts of this Mashriqu'l-Adhkar.
  4. Bahá'í Temple Moves Toward Completion, by Author unknown. (1941-10-22) One-paragraph blurb from 1941.
  5. Bahá'í Temple of Universal Peace, The, by Albert Ross Vail. (1931-07) Short essay on the construction of the temple in Wilmette, and an overview of the Bahá'í Faith.
  6. Bahá'í Temple, House of Worship of a World Faith, Commemorating Completion of Exterior Ornamentation, The, by Abdu'l-Bahá, Author unknown, Allen B. McDaniel. (1942) Photographs and essays about the construction of the American temple in Chicago. Likely published as a progress report to distribute at the 1942 National Convention.
  7. Bahai Movement, The: A paper read by Shoghi Effendi at Oxford, by Shoghi Effendi. (1923-1924) Text of an address given to the Oxford University Asiatic Society, February 1921, before the passing of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and before Shoghi Effendi was appointed the "Guardian."
  8. Bourgeois, Jean-Baptiste Louis (1856-1930), by R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. (1997) Short biography of the architect and designer of Mashriqu'l-Adhkar at Wilmette, Illinois.
  9. Eyewitness Impression of the Dedication, by Sophie Loeding. (1972-05) Brief recollections of Abdu'l-Bahá on the occasion of the dedication of the Wilmette temple, May 1, 1912.
  10. Illustrated description of a design in the Persian-Indian style of architecture for the first Mashrak-el-Azkar (Bahá'í temple) to be erected in America, by Charles Mason Remey. (1920) Expanded version of a portion of Remey's earlier Mashrak-el-Azkar [Mashriqu'l-Adhkár]: Descriptive of the Bahai temple, with photographs of Temple models.
  11. In Memoriam Fred Schechter: Bahá'í House of Worship Memorial Program, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, Universal House of Justice, et al.. (2017) Messages from the Universal House of Justice and the U.S. National Spiritual Assembly, and a selection of quotations, that summarize and celebrate the life of this Knight of Bahá'u'lláh and Continental Counsellor, for a memorial service at Wilmette.
  12. Memoirs of Nora Crossley (1893-1977), by Nora Crossley. (1921) Autobiography of an early British Bahá'í, known for cutting her famous hair to help fundraise for the Chicago temple. Includes two Tablets of Abdu'l-Bahá, one to Crossley and one mentioning her and praising her "self-sacrifice."
  13. Music, Devotions, and Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, by R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. (1987) An in-depth examination of the development of music and hymns within American Bahá'í devotional life, some history of the Chicago community, and the architecture and construction of the Wilmette temple. Includes sheet music and design plans.
  14. Music, Devotions, and Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, by R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram: Review, by Robert Stockman. (1988)
  15. Photo brochure of the Bahá'í Temple in Wilmette, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. (1965) A booklet of color photographs, postcard-size and quality, with text and statistics about the Temple.
  16. Programs for the Observance of Bahá'í Holy Days, Author unknown, comp. (2014/2017/2021) Booklets from four devotional programs at the Wilmette House of Worship: 9th day of Ridván (2014), 1st day of Ridván (2017), martyrdom of The Báb (2017, and birth of Bahá'u'lláh (2021), with selections of relevant passages from the Writings.
  17. True, Corinne, by Robert Stockman. (1995)
  18. Various Books: 9 Books for Download, by Charles Mason Remey. (1913-1920) Titles include: The Covenant; Observations of a Bahai Traveller; Through Warring Countries; Mashrak-el-Azkar; A Report to Abdul Baha; Bahai Revelation and Reconstruction; The New Day; Peace of the World.
  19. Who Was Archangel, the Potowatami Woman on Whose Land the Wilmette Temple Was Built?, by Ismael Velasco. (2011) Brief investigation into the surname "Ouilmette" (Wilmette), and the identity of a Native American girl named Archangel whose home was at one time on this point of land.

2.   from the Chronology (37 results; expand)

  1. 1903-03-07 — Inspired by the news of the `Ishqabad Temple project, the Chicago House of Spirituality asked `Abdu'...
  2. 1903-05-30 — A letter from `Abdu'l-Baha was received by the Chicago House of Spirituality giving His approval for...
  3. 1903-06-07 — Eight days after `Abdu'l-Baha's first Tablet arrived, a second Tablet arrived from Him approving the...
  4. 1907-02-25 — Corinne True travelled to `Akka to present `Abdu'l-Baha with a scroll with the signatures of 800 (or...
  5. 1907-11-26 — The first national Baha'i conference was held in America. [BFA2:XVI; BW10:179] At the invitation ...
  6. 1908-04-09 — Two building plots for the future House of Worship were purchased in Wilmette for the sum of $2000. ...
  7. 1909-03-22 — On the same day as the interment of the sacred remains of the Bab on Mount Carmel the first American...
  8. 1910-04-25 — The Second Annual Convention of the Baha'i Temple Unity was held in Corinthian Hall, 17th Floor of t...
  9. 1912-05-01 — `Abdu'l-Baha laid the cornerstone of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar in Wilmette. [SYH67-68, CT102; 239D:51; A...
  10. 1920-04-02 — Louis Bourgeois was selected as the architect for the Chicago House of Worship. [DP94; GPB303; SBBH1...
  11. 1920-04-27 — The design for the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar at Wilmette, Illinois, was finally chosen by the forty-nine del...
  12. 1920-09-24 — Boring began at the site of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar in Wilmette to determine the depth of the bedrock....
  13. 1921-03-21 — Construction began on the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar in Wilmette. DP108] See DP107 for a picture of Baha...
  14. 1922-04-03 — To the United States and Canada Shoghi Effendi sent a message to transform the 'Executive Board' int...
  15. 1922-07-09 — Baha'is gathered in the Foundation Hall of the Chicago House of Worship for the first time, to comme...
  16. 1927-10-00 — Shoghi Effendi entrusted Dr William Slater and his wife Ida Slater, who were visiting Haifa on a 19-...
  17. 1928-04-26 — The National Convention of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada was held in the Foundation Ha...
  18. 1929-03-16 — In December of 1925 the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of United States and Canada adopt...
  19. 1929-04-25 — Shoghi Effendi made the sacrifice of a priceless carpet to be sold to contribute to the Mashriqu'lAd...
  20. 1930-04-01 — A ceremony was held at the American annual convention in dedication of the resumption of the buildin...
  21. 1930-08-19 — Jean-Baptiste Louis Bourgeois, (b. 19 March 1856, Staint-Célestin de Nicolet, QC. d. Wilmette, IL)...
  22. 1930-08-20 — Louis Jean-Baptiste Bourgeois, (19 March, 1856, Saint-Célestin, Quebec, Canada) designer of the Mas...
  23. 1931-01-15 — Flames swept through the dome of Baha'i House of Worship which was nearing completion. Debris includ...
  24. 1931-05-02 — The superstructure of the Wilmette House of Worship was completed and turned over by the Fuller Comp...
  25. 1937-04-21 — The First Seven Year Plan (1937-1944) was launched in North America. [BBD180; BBRSM158; BW7:17–18;...
  26. 1937-05-00 — Fred Schopflocher contributed and additional $100,000 (see 16 March, 1929) to the goal of $350,000 t...
  27. 1942-04-00 — The publication of The Baha'i Temple: House of Worship of a World Faith Commemorating Completion of...
  28. 1943-01-08 — The exterior ornamentation of the Wilmette Temple was completed. [BW10:181; UD155–6] The cost o...
  29. 1944-05-19 — An international celebration of the Centenary of the founding of the Faith was held at the House of ...
  30. 1953-05-01 — The House of Worship in Wilmette was consecrated in a simple ceremony for Baha'is only. [BW12:143, 1...
  31. 1953-05-02 — The House of Worship in Wilmette, the Mother Temple of the West, was dedicated in a public ceremony....
  32. 1953-07-27 — Siegfried (Fred) Schopflocher, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Montreal and was buried besi...
  33. 1959-02-01 — The 'first Dependency of the Mashriqul-Adhkar in Wilmette', the Baha'i Home for the Aged, opened. [B...
  34. 1961-04-03 — Corinne Knight True, Hand of the Cause of God, (b. 1 November 1861 Louisville, KY d. Chicago, IL 3 A...
  35. 1978-05-23 — The House of Worship in Wilmette was included in the register of historic places in the United State...
  36. 1992-00-00 — Prime Minister Hamilton Green of Guyana made a formal state visit to the temple in Wilmette. [Baha'i...
  37. 2003-05-00 — The publication of For the Celebration of My Praise by the Baha'i Publishing Trust in Wilmette the c...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (4 results; expand)

  1. 1930-08-19 — Jean-Baptiste Louis Bourgeois, (b. 19 March 1856, Staint-Célestin de Nicolet, QC. d. Wilmette, IL)...
  2. 1937-05-00 — Fred Schopflocher contributed and additional $100,000 (see 16 March, 1929) to the goal of $350,000 t...
  3. 1944-05-19 — An international celebration of the Centenary of the founding of the Faith was held at the House of ...
  4. 1953-07-27 — Siegfried (Fred) Schopflocher, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Montreal and was buried besi...
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