- 1844-08-11 — The Bab sent Mulla `Aliy-i-Bastami to Najaf and Karbala to proclaim His Cause among the Shaykhis. In...
- 1845-04-16 — Mulla `Aliy-i-Bastami was removed from his prison cell in Baghdad and taken to Istanbul, where he wa...
- 1845-06-24 — After expelling Mulla Husayn and Mulla Sadiq the governor of Fars, Hasayn Khan-i-Irvani ordered that...
- 1845-06-30 — At Dalaki, some 40 miles northeast of the Búshihr, the Bab met the soldiers of the governor of Fars...
- 1845-12-30 — The Bab's birthday fell on the first day of the mourning observance for the Imam Husayn. Tahirih, wh...
- 1846-06-23 — Quddús met Mulla Sadiq-i-Muqaddas in Shiraz to whom he entrusted a copy of Khasa'il-i-Sab`ih (`the ...
- 1846-07-00 — The Chief Constable, 'Abdu'l-Hamid Khan, was instructed by order of the governor, Hasayn Khan, to br...
- 1847-10-00 — Tahirih was accused of instigating the assassination of her uncle, Muhammad Taqi Baraghani, and was...
- 1847-11-00 — Baha'u'llah, who was living in Tihran, visited the detainees from Qazvin and gave them money. [BKG41...
- 1848-09-04 — The death of the chronically ill Muhammad Shah whom Shoghi Effendi described as bigoted, sickly and ...
- 1850-02-19 — The Babi group in Tehran had been infiltrated by an informer who betrayed about fifty of its members...
- 1852-08-18 — A large number of Babis were arrested in Tihran and its environs following the attempt on the life o...
- 1852-08-30 — In Milan, Iran, 15 Babis were arrested and imprisoned. [BW18:382]
Many Babis were tortured and k...
- 1853-10-00 — Second Nayriz upheaval. [BBR147–51; BBRSM:217; BW18:382; DB642–5;]
The new governor of Nayri...
- 1853-10-31 — Some 600 female and 80 to 180 male Babis are taken prisoner at Nayriz and marched to Shiraz, along w...
- 1862-00-03 — Haji Mirza Haydar-`Ali and six other prominent Baha'is were arrested in Cairo for being Baha'is at t...
- 1866-12-00 — About a hundred Baha'is were arrested in Tabriz following a disturbance in which a Babi is killed. [...
- 1867-01-11 — Three Baha'is were executed in Tabriz. Their arrest was precipitated by conflict and rivalry between...
- 1868-04-00 — Seven Baha'is in Constantinople were arrested and interrogated by a commission of inquiry whose mand...
- 1868-07-00 — Principal Baha'is in Baghdad were arrested by the Turkish authorities and exiled to Mosul and other ...
- 1868-07-21 — Mirza Abu'l-Qasim-i-Shirazi was arrested in Egypt and money extorted from him. [BBR257–8; BKG243; ...
- 1870-00-00 — Nasiri'd-Din Shah maded a pilgrimage to the shrines in Iraq. In preparation for his visit the Baha'i...
- 1870-00-00 — In Zanjan, Áqa Siyyid Ashraf was arrested, condemned to death as a Babi and executed. [BWG470]
- 1875-00-01 — The `ulama arouse the rabble against the Baha'is in Sidih, Isfahan. Several Baha'is were imprisoned,...
- 1876-00-01 — Six Baha'is were arrested in Tihran and imprisoned for three months and 17 days. [BW18:383]...
- 1880-00-00 — Martyrdom of seven Baha'is in Sultanabad. [BW18:383]
Three Baha'is were killed on the orders of S...
- 1882-00-00 — Mirza `Ali-Muhammad Varqa was arrested in Yazd. He is sent to Isfahan where he was imprisoned for a ...
- 1882-12-31 — The Tihran Upheaval.
A number of leading members of the Tihran Baha'i community were arrested and...
- 1883-00-00 — Six Baha'is were arrested in Yazd and sent to Isfahan in chains. BW18:383]
Four Baha'is were arre...
- 1883-03-19 — Sixteen Baha'i traders of the bazaar were arrested in Rasht; three others are brought from Lahijan. ...
- 1885-03-27 — Martyrdom of Mulla `Aliy-i-Namiqi in Namiq, Turbat-i-Haydari, Khurasan. [BW18:383]...
- 1887-00-00 — Karbala'i Hasan Khan and Karbala'i Sadiq were arrested in Sarvistan, Fars, and imprisoned for two ye...
- 1888-07 — Two Baha'is were arrested in Sarvistan, Fars, and were sent to Shiraz, where one was imprisoned. [BW...
- 1890-08-00 — Mulla Hasan and his two brothers were arrested and beaten in Sarchah, Birjand. [BW18:383]...
- 1896-00-03 — Baha'is in Hisar, Khurasan were persecuted and imprisoned. [BW18:384]...
- 1896-00-05 — Mulla Hasan Khaza'i was arrested in Khúzistan. [BW18:384]...
- 1896-06-00 — Several Baha'is were beaten and four were imprisoned in Turbat-i-Haydari when two mujtahids stirred ...
- 1897-00-00 — Fifteen Baha'is were arrested in Saysan, Ádharbayjan. They were taken to Tabriz, imprisoned and fin...
- 1897-02-00 — Six Baha'is were arrested in Mamaqan, Ádharbayjan. Three were bastinadoed and three were imprisoned...
- 1898-00-04 — Several Baha'is were arrested and imprisoned in Qazvin. [BW18:384]Haji Muhammad was set upon and kil...
- 1898-04-00 — Nine Baha'is attending a Ridvan meeting were arrested, beaten and imprisoned in Hamadan. [BW18:384]...
- 1903-06-08 — Baha'is in Malayir, Hamadan, are attacked, beaten and imprisoned. Two are killed. [BW18:385]...
- 1906-10-00 — Several Baha'is in Sangsar and Shahmirzad were killed or injured by bullets; six Baha'is were arrest...
- 1917-02-17 — A mob in Najafabad disintered the bodies from two Baha'i graves. A general agitation against Baha'is...
- 1920-10-02 — Mirza Mustafa was killed at Farúgh, Fars, and other Baha'is were imprisoned. [BW18:387]
He was a...
- 1924-03-09 — Two Baha'is were imprisoned for several months in Maraghih, Iran, after two mullas stirred up troubl...
- 1924-04-02 — Baha'is in Turbat-i-Haydari, Iran, were attacked; some were arrested and imprisoned and others were ...
- 1928-10-00 — A newspaper campaign of opposition to the Baha'is began in Turkey. [BBR474]
Several Baha'is were ...
- 1932-11-00 — A number of Baha'is were arrested in Adana, Turkey. [BBR474]...
- 1932-12-02 — By this time there were 15 Baha'is under arrest in Adana, Turkey. [BBR474]...
- 1933-02-06 — By this date there were about 50 Baha'is under arrest in Adana, Turkey. [BBR475; PP317]...
- 1933-03-31 — The 50 Baha'is imprisoned in Adana were released. [BBR475]...
- 1935-00-02 — The persecution against the Baha'is in Iran continued. [...
- 1937-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is in Iran continued throughout the country. [...
- 1937-05-01 — Several prominent Baha'is were arrested in Yazd. [BW18:389]
They were imprisoned in Tihran for fo...
- 1937-05-21 — All Baha'i activities and institutions were banned in Germany by a special order of the Reichsführe...
- 1937-07-00 — Nine Baha'is were imprisoned in Sangsar, Khurasan, Iran, for closing their shops on Baha'i holy days...
- 1938-00-00 — Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the country. [...
- 1938-02-05 — Baha'is in the Soviet Union were persecuted by the authorities. [BBR473, BW8p87-90, 179-81, BW14p479...
- 1941-01-00 — Nine Baha'is were arrested in Sangsar, Khurasan, Iran, and banished to other towns for closing their...
- 1950-09-00 — Four Baha'is in Iran were arrested on trumped-up charges. The trial lasted until 1954, when the accu...
- 1953-03-25 — Enayat Sohaili, an Iranian, arrived in Mozambique from India, the first Baha'i pioneer to the countr...
- 1955-01-18 — Five Baha'is were arrested and beaten in Hisar, Khurasan, Iran; four of these are dragged around the...
- 1957-00-00 — Baha'i activity in Czechoslovakia was banned by the authorities, several members of the Prague commu...
- 1959-03-01 — A number of Baha'is, members of the local spiritual assembly, were arrested in Ankara, Turkey. [MC30...
- 1960-08-01 — All Baha'i activity in Egypt was prohibited by Presidential Decree No 263 issued by President Nasser...
- 1961-01-17 — Following the arrest of Baha'is in Turkey in March 1959 and the subsequent court case, the Turkish c...
- 1961-07-15 — The Turkish court declared the Baha'i Faith to be a 'Tarighat', a sect forbidden by the law of the l...
- 1962-04-10 — Four Baha'is were arrested in Nador, Morocco. [BW13:289; BW14:97; BN No 384 March 1963 p1-4]
- 1963-00-02 — In Angola, Antonio Francesco Ebo and seven other Baha'is were arrested and imprisoned in a penal col...
- 1964-00-01 — Four new believers in Cambodia were arrested and imprisoned as the Baha'i Faith was not formally rec...
- 1966-03-11 — Eduardo Duarte Vieira was arrested in Portuguese Guinea on a charge of subversive political activity...
- 1968-01-26 — A Moroccan Baha'i was arrested, tried and convicted on the charges of having abused the sacredness o...
- 1968-10-10 — The widowed mother of seven children was sentenced to six months' imprisonment in Morocco for refusi...
- 1970-11-12 — Baha'is in the Central African Republic were arrested at a meeting to commemorate the anniversary of...
- 1973-12-16 — A teenage Muslim girl learned of the Faith from one of her Baha’i school classmates and, together ...
- 1974-03-04 — Following the arrest of more than 50 Baha'is in Iraq, their trial opened and the Baha'is were exoner...
- 1975-00-00 — In Indonesia several Baha'is were arrested, given light sentences and released for violating the 196...
- 1975-01-03 — A Baha'i was arrested in Iraq and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment. [...
- 1975-09-01 — In Iraq, a young Baha'i was detained, interrogated, beaten and asked to recant his faith when he spe...
- 1979-03-01 — Yúsif Subhani, a well-known Baha'i businessman, was imprisoned in Tihran. [BW18:278]...
- 1979-05-24 — Shaykh Muhammad Muvahhid, a well-known Baha'i, was kidnapped in Tihran. [BW18:254, 294]...
- 1979-09-01 — Revolutionary committees in Shahsavar, 'Ábadan and Tabriz, Iran, ordered the arrest of Baha'is. [BW...
- 1980-02-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is in Iran entered a new, more dangerous phase. [BW18:255]
Prominent ...
- 1980-04-00 — Eight Baha'is were arrested in Tabriz; five were released after signing an agreement not to take par...
- 1980-08-21 — The members of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran were arrested along with two colleagues. They...
- 1981-12-05 — The Baha'i cemetery in Tehran was seized "by order of the Revolutionary Court". Five caretakers and ...
- 1982-10-23 — Authorities arrested 45 Baha'is in Shiraz on the order of the prosecutor. On October 30th another 40...
- 1983-03-02 — Five local and two pioneer Baha'is were arrested, interrogated and held briefly in prison in Maurita...
- 1983-12-00 — Baha'is were arrested in Mohammadieh and Casablanca, Morocco. [BW19:49]
The Baha'is in Mohammadie...
- 1984-00-00 — Four Baha'is, one of whom had already spent five years in prison, were imprisoned in Indonesia, conv...
- 1984-06-00 — A Baha'i in Tetuan, Morocco, was arrested and sentenced to three years imprisonment for violating th...
- 1985-02-23 — Forty–one Baha'is from various parts of Egypt were arrested, charged with offences against laws in...
- 1985-05-07 — The court hearings open on the cases of the Baha'is arrested in Egypt in February on charges of disr...
- 1987-09-23 — Three members of the Yaran-e Iran, Mr. Jamaluddin Khanjani, Mr. Hasan Mahboobi and Mr. Changeez Fan...
- 1995-09-00 — The arrest and imprisonment of Mr. Zabihullah Mahrami in Yazd because of his adherence to the Baha'i...
- 1997-07-04 — Masha'llah Enayati, a 63-year-old man, died in custody while in prison in Isfahan after being severe...
- 1998-07-21 — Mr. Ruhu'llah Rawhani, a 52-year-old medical supplies salesman was hanged in Mashhad solely for reli...
- 2001-01-14 — Sixteen Baha'is were arrested in the southern Egyptian city of Sohag. The charges brought against th...
- 2006-05-19 — Iranian security officials arrested 54 Baha'is in the city of Shiraz who were involved in a communit...
- 2008-03-05 — Mahvash Sabet – a schoolteacher and mother of two and a member of the national-level administrativ...
- 2008-05-14 — The six men and a women, Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, Mr. Afif Naeimi, Mr. Saeid Rezaie, Mr. Behrouz Tav...
- 2008-05-15 — The arrest of the Baha'i leadership took place in the context of a severely and rapidly escalating s...
- 2008-06-03 — Mrs. Mahvash Sabet and Mrs. Fariba Kamalabadi were permitted to make short phone calls to their fami...
- 2008-06-20 — Four Baha'is were arrested in Sana'a on the accusation of proselytizing. The three Baha'is of Irania...
- 2013-03-00 — The publication of the report entitled Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran's Bah...
- 2013-10-28 — The release of the video Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran's Baha'i Community ...
- 2013-12-03 — Mr. Hamed Kamal Muhammad bin Haydara (sometimes referred to in the media as "Hamed Merza Kamali Sero...
- 2014-10-03 — Hamed bin Haydara had been held at an undisclosed location since his arrest by National Security For...
- 2016-08-10 — Armed officers, masked in balaclavas from Yemen's National Security Bureau (NSB) intelligence agency...
- 2016-11-27 — In Yemen, Nadim al-Sakkaf and his brother Nader, who were detained from August 10th, were unexpected...
- 2017-04-19 — Houthi-Saleh political security officers arrested Walid Ayyash, Mahmood Humaid, and Badi'u'llah Sana...
- 2017-09-29 — Arrests of Baha'is in Yemen drew international censure which led to a United Nations resolution, tit...
- 2017-10-18 — The Iranian Baha'i community was targeted during the bicentenary period. Between 18 and 21 October, ...
- 2017-10-23 — Yemeni security forces raided a Baha'i gathering in Sana'a opening fire on the small group of people...
- 2018-03-19 — The release of Mr. Vahid Tizfahm from the Rajaee Shahr Prison in Karaj after having completed his 10...
- 2018-12-20 — The last imprisoned member of the former leadership body of the Baha'i community in Iran was release...