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Date 2018-03-23, sorted by events, ascending

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2018 23 Mar
Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin Al-Houthi, the Secretary-General of Yemen's Shia political party Ansar Allah, accused the Bahá'ís of seeking to create disunity among Muslims. In a televised speech broadcast to a wide audience within and outside of Yemen, he vehemently vilified and denounced the Bahá'í Faith, further intensifying the ongoing persecution of the Bahá'ís in that country. It was reported that the Houthis had also launched a social media campaign against Bahá'ís. "The Yemeni Initiative for Defending Bahá'í Rights", a human rights organization, said in a Facebook post that Al-Houthi's incitement coincided with incitements against Ahmadis, Christians, intellectuals, scientists, and activists, as well as "a number of Islamic doctrines." [Conatus News 28 March, 2018]
  • See BIC News.
  • See News articles reiterating Abdel-Malek al-Houthi's statements against Baha'is at BIC website.
  • - Persecution; - Persecution, Other; Human rights; Persecution, Yemen; Sayyid `Abdu'l-Malik Badreddin Al-Houthi; Yemen
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