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Date 2011-09-24, sorted by events, ascending

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2011 24 Sep
The arrest of Abdolfattah Soltani, a senior member of the legal team (4 lawyers) representing a number of Bahá'ís in Iran awaiting trial for providing higher education to youth barred from university. Soltani is a co-founder of the Defenders of Human Rights Center, along with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Shirin Ebadi and others. The Tehran-based Centre was shut down in a police raid in December 2008. [BWNS849]
  • In 2008 when Shirin Ebadi took the defense of seven Bahá'ís she was accused of changing her religion and her law office was attacked and faced other problems. [Iran Press Watch]
  • U.S Bahá'í Office of Public Affairs Press Release.
  • See interview with Mr Soltani by Iran Press Watch.
  • - Persecution; - Persecution, Education; Abdolfattah Soltani; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education (BIHE); Education; Human rights; Iran; Lawyers; Yaran
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