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Date 2010-04-12, sorted by events, ascending

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2010 12 Apr
The seven imprisoned Iranian Bahá'í leaders arrived at the court for their third appearance and their families were not allowed to enter, signalling a closed hearing. Inside the courtroom, however, the prisoners saw numerous officials and interrogators from the Ministry of Intelligence – along with a film crew which had already set up cameras. Concerned over the presence of non-judicial personnel in a supposedly closed hearing, the Bahá'ís – with the agreement of their attorneys – declined to be party to the proceedings. The judge adjourned the session and did not announce a date for continuing the trial. [BWNS767] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Court cases; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Court cases; Human rights; Iran; Tehran, Iran; Yaran
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