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Date 1981-06-14, sorted by date, ascending

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1981 14 Jun
Seven members of the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Hamadan were executed by firing squad. These members were: Mr. Muhammad (Suhrab) Habibi, Mr. Muhammad-Baqir (Suhayl) Habibi, Mr. Husayn Khandil, Mr. Tarazu'llah Khuzayn, Mr. Husayn Mutlaq, Dr. Firuz Na'imi, and Dr. Nasir Vafa'i. The ribs of Tarazu'llah Khuzayn were crushed, and his hands were slashed. His legs and thighs had been pierced with a bayonet, and the injuries had turned his skin black and the tissues were swollen. [He was sixty-four when he died.] Suhrab Habibi's back had been branded with a hot ring – his own – and he had severe burns. The fingers of Husayn Khandil were slashed and his abdomen had been cut open. Dr. Na'imi's back had been broken and Dr. Vafa'i's thighs had been cut open; Suhayl Habibi's shoulders had been broken and smashed. Hossein Mutlaq had not been tortured but his body showed the greatest number of bullet wounds.
  • Prior to their execution all six had been held in a 6 X 71/2 ft. cell for 137 days. They had to sleep by turns and they were not allowed to bathe.
  • After their execution the bodies were dumped in the near-by hospital and were transported to the cemetery accompanied by a crowd of Bahá'ís and townspeople alike. Everyone was given an opportunity to view the tortured bodies. [Iran Press Watch; World Order, Series2, Volume_17 Issue 1 p14-31 written by Zhínús Mahmúdí.]
  • See the story of Dr Firouz Naeimi also in Track Persia.
  • See the story of Dr Naser Vafa'i.
  • * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; Hamadán, Iran; Iran
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