Bahai Library Online

Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

World Canada

Date 1971-08-00, sorted by firsts, ascending

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1971 Aug
The Universal House of Justice erected an obelisk on the site of the future House of Worship of the Holy Land on land that was purchased in 1953 with a gift of $50,000 from Milly Collins. [MBW63, 78-79, BBD 172; BW15:177–8; DH175; MUHJ83–4, SES18-20] - Bahá'í World Centre; - Bahá'í World Centre; - Bahá'í World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; - Basic timeline, Expanded; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); Funds; Haifa, Israel; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Haifa; Millie Collins; Mount Carmel; Obelisks; Universal House of Justice; Universal House of Justice, Basic timeline
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