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Date 1926-04-07, sorted by events, ascending

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1926 7 Apr
Eight or perhaps as many as twelve Bahá'ís were beaten to death in Jahrum, Fárs, Iran. [BW18:388, SETPE1p128, GBF36, UD49-53]
  • It was first reported that 12 Bahá'ís were killed. [PP98]
  • For the response of Shoghi Effendi see BA104–6, 106–8; GBF36–7; PP98–9; and UD48–53.
  • See messages from Shoghi Effendi on the crisis in Uncompiled Published Letters Shoghi Effendi # 94, 95, 96, and 98.
  • For Western accounts and responses see BBR465–72.
  • "The attacks were apparently instigated by a majlis representative who sought to gain favour with anti-Bahá'í religious leaders in order to secure reelection. The Bahá'ís complained to the local and national authorities to obtain redress but were denied. This was the last incident of mass killing of Bahá'ís during Reza Shah's reign." [Religious Contentions in Modern Iran,1881-1941 pg 229-230 by Mina Yazdani]
  • * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; Fars, Iran; Iran; Jahrum, Iran
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