Dawn of a New Day


Historic Step in Development of Administrative Order

He wishes me to congratulate you, and through you your fellow-members in the N.S.A., for the steps you have taken for the registration of the Delhi, Calcutta, Rangoon and other local Assemblies. He hopes that by the end of the year six out of the eight Assemblies will be duly registered. Needless to say that the obtention of such an official recognition from the authorities is an historic step in the development of the Administrative Order of the Faith throughout India and Burma, and one which shall greatly enhance its prestige, and consolidate its position in the eyes of the public. May Baha'u'llah continue to guide and assist your efforts for the fulfilment of this task.

The Guardian is also very much gratified to learn that the N.S.A. is considering the possibility of establishing a local Assembly in Lucknow. He trusts that in Jaunpur too an Assembly will be formed very soon, and that through these two valuable additions to the list of local Baha'i Assemblies, the administrative work of the Cause in India will make further and steady advancement.

In connection with the Teaching School which the N.S.A. is planning to start, the Guardian wishes me to express his approval, as well as his appreciation of this important action taken by your Assembly for the extension of their teaching work. He is also very pleased at the news of the teaching tour undertaken by Prof. Pritam Singh throughout Northern India and Bengal. He is praying for the success of this trip, and cherishes the hope that it may serve to bring into the Cause people of capacity and of true spiritual vision.

Dawn of a New Day
pages 54-55

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